2014년 9월 22일 월요일

Narration of my first draft

My persuasive argument thesis is: Language has a profound influence on culture even though we have not realized well.

1. What do people already know about my topic?

  People already know that language has an effect on culture. However, they don't know the reasons why does.
2. What research has already been done about my topic?
http://cafe.naver.com/engtalkclub/33232 : specific explanation about relationships between language and culture based on Whorfian theory

3. What are the implications of my argument (What if I'm right? What if I'm right and people ignore me?)
People would more concentrate on forming better linguistic habits because this is related to form better cultural features. If people ignore, they will be hard to form better culture. It's because as digital tools such as Internet develop, their linguistic habits would be worse and it would be hard to find both ideal language and ideal culture.
My narration
  The idea of linguistic influence on culture is included in Whorfian theory by Whorf. Whorfian theory is categorized into two, the strong and weak version. The strong version says that language could determine the way we think, and in contrast, the weak one says linguistic categories and usage could influence the way we think and certain kinds of non-linguistic behaviour. Among the related theories, there were some theories which opposed the topic. However, there was a theory of Fishman which agreed on the topic by proposing that language is a key of culture.
  Specifically, the idea could be called as linguistic-cultural parallelism according to the study of Robert Leon Cooper, named The Influence of Language on Culture and Thought. This is the claim that each language reflects the culture of its speech community. In addition, it explains that language and culture have connections between them. For example, Korean has a lot of honorifics and low talks because Korean culture puts an importance on vertical human relations.
  There is difference of argument between linguists and cultural anthropologists. It's because the relations between language and culture is not that clear. However, despite of this, many linguists and cultural anthropolgists agree on that language and culture are inseparably related. Also, there is a simple idea related to this that society and individuals are connected too because culture is formed by society and the society is made of individuals.

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