1. The introduction, which warms up the audience, establishes goodwill and rapport with the readers, and announces the general theme or thesis of the argument.
I will start by saying that my argument is not an unique one. It is a common belief. But the reason why I choose this idea as a topic is that people are not that conscious about it. People need to be aware of this because we have to use better languages and words for forming better culture. If we would like to make developed culture, then we should have developed language habits.2. The narration, which summarizes relevant background material, provides any information the audience needs to know about the environment and circumstances that produce the argument, and set up the stakes-what’s at risk in this question. In academic writing, this often takes the form of a literature review.
I will give a basic idea that culture and language are inseparably related. This is the most basic thing that people should know. Also I need to explain society and individuals are connected too because culture is formed by society and the society is made of individuals. (Finally it means that language habits of individuals form one particular society and furthermore, culture.)3. The confirmation, which lays out in a logical order (usually strongest to weakest or most obvious to most subtle) the claims that support the thesis, providing evidence for each claim.
I will explain the reasons in this order. 1. Language habits lead to the formation and transformation of cultures. 2. Human mind and behavior affect society. 3. Culture usually follow the way of expressing feelings or some things which are helped by language) The order or the contents can be changed.4. The refutation and concession, which looks at opposing viewpoints to the writer’s claims, anticipating objections from the audience, and allowing as much of the opposing viewpoints as possible without weakening the thesis.
1. It is not that impressive, because it is well-known theory. : Yes, it is. However, my purpose is to gather some attentions from people not be aware of this topic. Most people know this but they're unconscious about it. 2. How can you prove it?: by experiences or statistics. It is not hard to find some materials to prove the argument.5. The summation, which provides a strong conclusion, amplifying the force of the argument, and showing the readers that this solution is the best at meeting the circumstances.
I will close with a summary of my previous points by arguing that people must have an interest about this topic to improve the quality of culture. The only solution is that people are aware of this and show the improvement by having interests on this.
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