2014년 10월 20일 월요일

My Fifth Research

Source: http://books.google.co.kr/books?id=tgCvkZw6N_QC&pg=PA17&lpg=PA17&dq=linguistic+influence+on+culture&source=bl&ots=1n1FbWemDZ&sig=JCt46yr83ythR0XZRIDMdg6KLyA&hl=ko&sa=X&ei=sfQgVKOiCsem8AXTqYK4Bg&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=linguistic%20influence%20on%20culture&f=false

My Topic:
Language has a profound influence on culture.

What I hope to learn from this source:
Reasons being categorized.

  1. My topic is called as lingusitic-cultural (and cognitive) parallelism (on page 17)
Final Thoughts:
I finally figured out that my topic is called as linguistic-culture (and cognitive) parallelism. Also I found out that Whorf supported that the influence from language to culture is predominant.

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